Autosuggestion of the Week: February 12, 2019
Everything I wish for myself I will wish for others. Then their happiness will...
Everything I wish for myself I will wish for others. Then their happiness will...
Reactions close doors, actions open up new horizons. I have the courage to act...
Only God can guarantee security. I am submitted to God. I am free from...
With love and attention one’s work can turn into one’s source of joy. My...
I will break free of my current harmful comfort zone to reach new horizons...
My heart feels deeply, my brain grasps all intricacies, my will is indomitable. I...
One small change in attitude can help me chart a new course in life....
Silence is revolutionary. All mental revolutions were born out of silence. I will use...
I will learn the truth from life itself. Without experience, no truth will ever...
Fear Keeps us in bondage. I will awaken my inner power and conquer my...
Suffering is the root of new wisdom. I will transform my sufferings into strength.
I always cherish good memories. But live for today. I am utilizing every moment...
My mind is open to receiving new knowledge. I will easily sense the inner...
My empathy is an inseparable part of my being. I will express empathy in...
Whoever rises, rises from dust. Whatever my present condition, I will rise above it.
Every moment of this day is full of possibilities. I will use every moment...
Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. I will use my imagination creatively to solve...
A tourist takes his own environment wherever he goes. A traveler learns from his...
Honesty and integrity is the foundation of inner security. I will always be honest...
Visualization is the act of imagining yourself doing certain tasks. It is known in Bengali as “monchobi”. There...